Olde Sawmill Elementary
PTO Minutes-November 15th, 2022
Welcome, Introductions, Meeting Details
President, Ben Opperman welcomed everyone to the November 15th, 2022 PTO Meeting.
Ben Opperman called the November 2022 OSE PTO meeting to order at 7:06 PM.
Expense Changes:
Grant Approval/Payments
Using 990 card for taxes this year
Old Business: None
New Business:
Meeting Adjournment
PTO Minutes-November 15th, 2022
Welcome, Introductions, Meeting Details
President, Ben Opperman welcomed everyone to the November 15th, 2022 PTO Meeting.
Ben Opperman called the November 2022 OSE PTO meeting to order at 7:06 PM.
- Ben Opperman, Jill Opperman, Jenny Reardon, Kecia Cropper, Tricia Hoffman, Ashley Oliver, Michelle Bartosiewizc, Mike Castro
- Shoe drive going well, end date is 12/1 (collecting through holiday break)
- Bloomz: Working through challenges with the software
- Still have an open position for VP, see Ben Opperman if interested
- Approval of October 2022 minutes
- No edits or revisions suggested
- Motion made by Ashley Oliver for approval of minutes with amendment of school spirit name change
- 2nd by Jenny Reardon
- Motion approved no objections or abstentions
- Reviewed the culture playbook
- Rebrand of the website
- New strategic plan
- Considering full day kindergarten
- No grants for technology/notebooks
- No meeting in December
Expense Changes:
- Kg Shirts have been ordered and paid $250 for them, they will be going home this week.
- Reimbursements for Room parents for Harvest Parties.
- Staff Appreciation receipts for conference dinners have been entered.
- Holiday Shop - more great deals
- Monster Mash - total profit of $2164.89
- Restaurant Night - check from City BBQ for $181.81
- School Store/Supply Sale - deposited a check from school kits sale for $526.51 also had a few deposits but bought stuff to restock.
- Tailgate - expenses were $1.44 over budget
Grant Approval/Payments
- 5th grade field trip was paid for $396.00
- Executive Board approved a grant for $200 to buy more inflatables and a new fog machine for next yrs monster mash. Total charges came up to $189.17
- Savings Account - $25,309.45
- Checking Account - $27,617.65
- Outstanding Checks - $40.53
- Net Balance - $52,648.47
- Kg- $115.06
- 1st- $255.63
- 2nd- $339.00
- 3rd- $411.64
- 4th- $578.69
- 5th- $1127.63
Using 990 card for taxes this year
Old Business: None
New Business:
- Family Game Night Grant: Looking to purchase a vinyl board, some options discussed for display option (document camera with compatible app).
- Decided to table the topic until we can pursue other electronic options
- Staff Appreciation Gift:
- RTIC Tumblers custom engraved $1,500 for hot chocolate bar
- Trisha made a motion to give a grant in the value of $1,500 for staff appreciation
- Mike Castro 2nd the motion
- Spirit Wear: Staff jackets there are some issues with back ordered jackets, will be issuing a check back to staff members
- Restaurant Week: December Romeos, Chipotle in January
- Rewards: None
- Holiday Shop: December 1st envelopes home to each student, Event will be 12/7 & 12/8 6-7:30 pm. Will need help to setup Tuesday 6th starting at 4 all the way until close on Thursday night. Need to email Becky with what we need in the FMX request
- School Supply: None
- School Store: Store is on track to hit budget and purchased items for throughout the year
- Bricks:
- Membership/Friendship Guide: Working on putting them together and bound, suggest having a digital guide
- Shoe Drive: Going well have about 20 full bags of shoes so for. The goal is to have 100 bags total. Will post about the thanksgiving gather to get shoes from family/friends
- Columbus Blue Jackets: Looking at 3-4 games for blue jackets games. Will be sending some dates out soon for families to consider
- Spirit Week: None
- Room Parents: Next party is the winter party on December 16th. Tricia will check in with room parents after thanksgiving
- Cub Scouts: None
- Tailgate @ Scioto: Event was a success, 40 people showed up. Everyone had a great time. Meet the budget approximately
- Teacher Appreciation: None
- Family Game Night: Discussed in Grant section
- Monster Mash: Great event, had to call an audible on planned DJ. Requested a grant for inflatables and fog machines. Inflatable is an 8-foot arch. The 6-foot pumpkin was replaced.
- Clover Run: Ben would like to start a committee to plan this event
Meeting Adjournment
- Ashley Oliver moved to adjourn the meeting 8:29 pm
- Mike Castro seconded the motion
- Vote passed by all in attendance
- At 8:29 PM meeting was adjourned